The Love Speaks 26-Lesson MASTERCLASS eCourse

The Love Speaks 26-Lesson MASTERCLASS eCourse

WHAT could recognize God's voice on a continuous basis? You can! Welcome to the new 26-Lesson Love Speaks MASTERCLASS with Bonus Features: your own personal instruction to grow in your contact with God, even as you receive His love for you, personally!

The Masterclass Series includes:
*Full teaching on all 21 ways to recognize God's multi-faceted voice
*Challenging exercises to dramatically increase your contact with God
*Additional inspirational stories not included in the book
*A Bonus Workbook with "dig deeper" questions, scripture verses for meditation, and special prayers and practical applications just for you
*5 Bonus Training sessions of Practical Application, including themes of Fasting, Living the Revelatory Lifestyle, How to Give a Word from the Word, and more!
*3 Bonus videos, including out-takes from Carl Wesley Anderson
*​$120 for all access to the entire series.

ON SALE NOW for a Suggested Donation of only $85!

SPECIAL DISCOUNT: use Code "MC20" for a 20% Discount of the Suggested Donation at checkout!

The Love Speaks 26-Lesson MASTERCLASS eCourse
  • ORIENTATION: What to Expect, the 2 Main Objectives, & Getting to Know Carl

    Learn how Carl will lead you through clear definitions, Scriptural backgrounds, Salvation-History, and personal stories to illustrate each Lesson.

    Are you ready to draw closer to God and become more effective in ministering H...

  • LESSON 01: The Established Word

    The Established Word. The Word of God is our only infallible source of hearing God's multi-faceted voice. Learn from Carl how the Bible is our anchor in the storms of life, and how all the other "ways" of hearing flow out of this one. You will learn how to STAND ON THE WORD when persecution arise...

  • LESSON 02: The Living Word

    The Bible is not just established truth and doctrine. It can also come ALIVE and bring forth many truths and applications to become like "fresh bread" which you can enjoy daily. Get ready to hear a "word" from the "Word!"

  • LESSON 03: The Inner Witness of the Holy Spirit

    Inside of every believer is the living and abiding "witness" of the Spirit. Learn how this "witness" can bring confirmation to your path, illumination, or even fresh direction as God Himself leads you.

  • LESSON 04: The Inner Voice of the Holy Spirit

    You can share an ongoing dialogue with God! Through fun and lively accents and voice impressions, Carl illustrates the beauty of a life lived by heeding and responding to God's inner voice.

  • LESSON 05: The Desires of the Heart

    Did you ever think that perhaps God has put within you the seeds of destiny He wants you to follow? Learn how the inner desires of the Spirit are waiting to be discovered for your purpose!

  • LESSON 06: Nature & Creation

    The Father is known as the "Father of Creation" and for good reason! He is reaching out through all of nature to communicate His love to you. Also included is a practical application to help you "take a walk with God."

  • LESSON 07: Providence

    The Father is not only with you, but He has gone ahead of you to prepare a good way for you to walk in. Carl unpacks the theme of God's "Providential" circumstances in this lesson. Prepare for Providence!

  • LESSON 08: The Preaching of the Word of God

    Carl returns to a focus of Jesus Himself speaking through His Word as it is preached and proclaimed around the world. You will discover there is a blessing in hearing the Word of God preached.

  • LESSON 09: Other Believers Speaking Confirmation

    Jesus is alive in His Body on Earth, and He is communicating with us through other Believers, living presently or passed on. He just might speak to you today as you share a coffee with a friend, or through listening to a Testimony!

  • LESSON 10: Visions

    Receiving visions in prayer are one of God's "love languages" in His communication with us. Carl explains how receiving visions from the Holy Spirit is a natural and exciting visual way of learning to hear God's voice.

  • LESSON 11: Dreams

    God is continually speaking through our subconscious mind as we sleep and sending us dreams. Carl explains the various purposes of dreams and the messages they may be trying to communicate.

  • LESSON 12: Symbolic Speech

    Carl takes an intriguing look at how God has been using symbols and metaphors throughout O.T. & N.T. Scripture and history. These symbols once understood can communicate deeper spiritual meanings to us.

  • LESSON 13: Divine Appointments from the Father

    You will soon learn that Providentially your Father has prepared special people and moments for you which will assure you of His love. There are no "coincidences." Only, "Holy Coincidences!"

  • LESSON 14: All Forms of Media

    Is God as Father the Ruler over all media? Yes, and in fact, He is actively speaking through every form of media and simply asks you to become expectant. He can speak today through all media! Go watch a movie with God!

  • LESSON 15: The Gift of Prophecy

    The Apostle Paul urges you to earnestly desire to prophesy! Carl teaches that Prophecy is an amazing gift of the Spirit given to build up the Body of Christ and encourage one another.

  • LESSON 16: The Word of Wisdom

    This is perhaps the most powerful of all 9 gifts of the Spirit. Learn how to follow a spiritual "blueprint" for your life and discover God's will through this amazing gift!

  • LESSON 17: The Word of Knowledge

    Carl shares how a "word of knowledge" unveils the power of God's omniscience. God's heart and divine purpose is brought forth for individuals in utilizing this gift.

  • LESSON 18: Discerning of Spirits

    Did you know God has given a gift of "X-ray Vision" to help people to sense, discern, and see into the spirit realm around us? Learn how to see and sense the LORD, or the Enemy, or Angels or Demons, and intercede for breakthroughs in this Lesson!

  • LESSON 19: Angels

    From Genesis through Revelation and all through Salvation-History, God has been sending actual angels to communicate with us. You might just entertain an angel today!

  • LESSON 20: Jesus Himself Speaks

    Jesus Himself, either in a dream, vision, or reality, may visit you today and communicate His love to you. He is actively involved in the affairs of His people around the world on a continual basis.

  • LESSON 21: The Audible Voice of the Father

    We have arrived at the least common of all Ways: God's audible voice. Find out why this is so rare, and also, so beautiful. You are His beloved son or beloved daughter, and His voice is like thunder sometimes!

  • PRACTICAL APPLICATION #1: Meditation of the Word

    Carl goes back in Salvation-History to the ancient Christian Celts to teach on the 5 "R's" of the art of Scriptural meditation. You will begin to receive fresh life from the Word each day!

  • PRACTICAL APPLICATION #2: Prayer & Fasting

    You will discover how the four amazing results of this "Master Key" of fasting can unlock doors through prayer! Prepare for new breakthroughs in your life and the lives of those you are praying for.

  • PRACTICAL APPLICATION #3: Ministering God's Love to Others

    You can hear the voice of God for other people on a regular basis! God's love for the world is ready to be shared through you and you will begin to hear His heartbeat for those around you in your witness.

  • PRACTICAL APPLICATION #4: Minister a Word from the Word

    Carl leads you practically step-by-step in how to share a Scripture with someone you know and love. You can activate this lesson every day to bless others and minister God's love from His Word to them.

  • PRACTICAL APPLICATION #5: The Revelatory Lifestyle

    This final Lesson will teach you how to activate your faith level to begin experiencing a "contact with God" in every circumstance of life. His love is waiting to be experienced, and He is revealing Himself everywhere!

  • Added Bonus 01 // The Gifts of the Spirit 101

    This Bonus Lesson is a great introduction to all the gifts of the Spirit, and especially the 4 gifts (Ways 15 to 18) known as the "Revelatory Gifts."

    No matter what your church background, you will be excited and instructed on all 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they are relevant for you tod...

  • Added Bonus 02: From Pig's Eye to St Paul

    Carl filmed the MASTERCLASS in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. Learn a great historical story, of Roman Catholic history, of how the city got its very Biblical name in this bonus!

  • Added Bonus 03: Bloopers!

    These are the out-takes from the 3-day MASTERCLASS shoot. Get ready for a laugh as Carl reveals that he takes himself seriously, but not too seriously, during filming!

  • FREE 100-page MASTERCLASS Workbook

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