Episode 3 // Follow the Witness
Love Speaks Documentary Film Series, Episodes 1-21
In this first of 3 films that highlight the Holy Spirit, Carl looks at the Inner Guidance of the Holy Spirit, and how the Spirit works in confirmation by giving us a "sense" within of a green light, yellow light, or red light in our daily decisions of following His ways.
This Episode is an exciting story of revival, and he opens and closes in London again, alongside the River Thames, to illustrate how the Holy Spirit spoke through His witness specifically to 2 men: Evan Roberts in Wales and Frank Bartleman in Los Angeles in the early 20th Century. Very few people know the connection between the Welsh Revival and the Azusa Street Revival.
Perhaps the most surprising element of this Episode: how did God utilize the event of the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 to bring a spirit of repentance, a turning from sin, and salvation with an outpouring of the Spirit to Azusa Street? Watch this challenging Episode to discover the answer!
Up Next in Love Speaks Documentary Film Series, Episodes 1-21
Episode 4 // The Still, Small Voice
One of the most common ways that "LOVE SPEAKS" is through an inner "dialogue" in one's mind where by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, you can learn to recognize when God is answering you and carrying on a full conversation with us in following His plans.
In this exciting Episode, Carl visits Wa...
Episode 5 // The River of God's Will
How can you discover what the will of God is for your life? Most people believe you have to follow God's will like a straight line. But what if finding His will is more like....a river?
This film explores some interesting answers to this question for believers in Jesus. Perhaps the answer is t...
Episode 6 // The Ocean of God's Love
Can the Father speak daily through His Creation to you? Yes He can!
This film transitions us from the ways of Jesus & the Holy Spirit to begin to see the Father Himself, and how He chooses to communicate with us.A key amazing element of the Director's Cut of this Episode is the interview ...