Episode 1 // To the Ends of the Earth
The intriguing "Pilot" Episode chronicles 1500 years of Salvation-History, opening on the spectacular island of Skellig Michael off the coast of Ireland. This location is the best preserved Celtic Christian monastery in the world, and also the film set of the current Star Wars films with the mysterious location of Luke Skywalker.
Carl weaves together stories of John Wesley and his commitment to the Word of God, St. Patrick the Patron Saint of Ireland, and the monks of Skellig Michael and how they lived lives in sacrifice for preserving the Word of God in beautiful artistic ways like the Book of Kells. They lived lives of incredible devotion to daily meditation of the Word.
Carl also visits Oxford, England, interviewing revival historian Michael Marcel, and together they share the story of William Tyndale, the Bible Translator to whom we owe 90% of our New Testaments today. They also share the tale of 2 martyrs who gave their lives in commitment to the Word: Ridley & Latimer. Included are some practical applications as well as Carl's own personal story of battling cancer and standing on the Word of God.